
Republican Congressman, a doctor, calls vaccine access for children and elderly "criticaly important"

Rep. Bucshon calls vaccine access for children, elderly ‘critically important’ 

Vaccine access of Americans, especially for children and the elderly, is “critically important,” Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN) said Tuesday.  


The congressman said his biggest concern about the surviving vaccine hesitancy from the pandemic is how it has spilled over into childhood vaccinations for diseases like the measles and mumps.


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Climate change will greatly increase malnutrition among chldren -- Gates Foundation report

Climate change will escalate child health crisis due to malnutrition, says Gates

LONDON, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Malnutrition is the world's worst child health crisis and climate change will only make things more severe, according to Microsoft-co-founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates.
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The effects of Covid lockdowns on teenagers outlines in new study

Covid lockdowns, such as school closures, canceled sports activities and stay-at-home orders, prematurely aged teen brains by as much as four years, researchers from the University of Washington found. 

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Health experts warn against COVID complacency in schools amid surge

Health experts are urging school staff and families to take active steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 amid rising infections as school districts stick to their previous plans to combat the virus similarly to how they would the flu or strep throat.

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