
Republican Congressman, a doctor, calls vaccine access for children and elderly "criticaly important"

Rep. Bucshon calls vaccine access for children, elderly ‘critically important’ 

Vaccine access of Americans, especially for children and the elderly, is “critically important,” Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN) said Tuesday.  


The congressman said his biggest concern about the surviving vaccine hesitancy from the pandemic is how it has spilled over into childhood vaccinations for diseases like the measles and mumps.


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Florida official discourages use of mRNA Covid vaccines in older adults in another disputed claim

Florida health director discourages use of mRNA Covid vaccines in older adults

Even as the Covid wave in Florida continues, Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration is once again advising against the mRNA vaccines: this time in the most vulnerable residents.

In updated guidance for health care providers released Thursday, the Florida Health Department and state Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo questioned the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, including for older adults and people with underlying health problems. “Any provider concerned about the health risks associated with Covid-19 for patients over the age of 65 or with underlying health conditions should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and treatment,” according to the state guidance.high rates of immunity from prior infections and “currently available data.”

Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccine expert at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, said the Florida surgeon general's guidance is unnecessarily alarming people about the Covid vaccines.

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Experts' recomendations for getting vaccines this autumn


Experts who spoke with PBS News say regular vaccination is one of the most important ways to protect yourself against respiratory diseases, including COVID, flu and RSV. Here’s what to know about the vaccinations they recommend adults and children prioritize getting this fall.



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