FEMA -South Florida

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This working group discusses all resources, policies, presence, programs and operating realities of FEMA in South Florida.

This working group is to discuss all resources, policies, presence, programs and operating realities of FEMA in South Florida.  As seen after Hurricane Andrew and now after Hurricane Sandy, catastrophic storms create conditions that in many cases exceed FEMA's operating capacity.  As the frequency and severity of storms increase, South Florida could easily become FEMA's worst disaster scenario.  South Florida is already the recipient of federal funds in support of repairing our failing water management system.  With decaying infrastructure and population density increasing faster than carrying capacity, understanding FEMA's current and future role, plan and relationship with South Florida leadership and its community will be essential for weathering the looming potential disasters.  This working groups hopes to open up discussion through information sharing of lessons learned from previous disasters.  What is FEMA's role in South Florida and what role due horizontal networks play in supporting emergency response in South Florida?


Albert Gomez ibague

Email address for group


Florida governor DeSantis reverses course, accepts FEMA vaccination sites in minority areas

TALLAHASSEE — Florida is getting four federally-backed Covid-19 vaccination hubs in largely low-income communities of color, an announcement that comes after Gov. Ron DeSantis initially clashed with the Biden administration over federal vaccine help.

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Motel Misery: Hundreds Fled Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico Only to End Up Functionally Homeless in Florida


cnn.com - by John D. Sutter - additional reporting by Cristian Arroyo - photograph by Jayme Gershen for CNN - April 20, 2018

With no running water, no power and no school for her kids, Carmen "Millie" Santiago fled Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria hit the Caribbean last fall. Like thousands of evacuees, she landed here in central Florida. And, like hundreds, she's still stuck in a motel.



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Why we should care about the United Nations’ COP21

From Nov. 30 — Dec. 11, delegates from 194 countries throughout the world will convene in France for the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This conference on climate change is expected to culminate with a new international agreement to mitigate climate change. FIU Law Senior Scholar Ryan Stoa and Journalism and Broadcasting Professor Juliet Pinto will be in attendance at the conference. In this op-ed, Tiffany Troxler, director of the FIU Sea Level Solutions Center, explains the importance of the international gathering.

Tiffany Troxler, director of the FIU Sea Level Solutions Center

Tiffany Troxler, director of the FIU Sea Level Solutions Center

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Coast Guard contains fuel spill in Government Cut Estimated 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel leaked into water

Coast Guard contains fuel spill in Government Cut

Estimated 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel leaked into water

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The distribution of this article is in support of dissiminating important local information on the current environmental disaster.  All footage and content is strictly owned by Local10.com

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FEMA- Region IV: Social Media

howdy folks