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Miami-Dade Office of Emergency Management- Community Outreach

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Community Outreach

Event Staffing

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR) provides professional fire and rescue services outside of regular duty operations. MDFR's Special Events Bureau coordinates all fire rescue staffing and equipment needs for large-scale events that require life safety protective services.

Hotlines Newsletter

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue's (MDFR's) Media and Public Relations Bureau publishes "Hotlines," the department's first electronic employee/community newsletter. Hotlines is primarily intended to bridge internal and external communication gaps while promoting department services, initiatives and accomplishments.

Junior Cadets

The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR) Junior Cadet Program (formerly the Fire Explorer Program) was established on March 1, 1978, to offer high school students, both male and female, between the ages of 14 and 18 the opportunity to explore careers in the fire rescue service.

Junior Lifeguards

This program is for youths interested in learning the responsibilities of Ocean Lifeguards. We will provide the young men and women of our community a sound aquatic background and aquaint them with the hazards of ocean swimming. Students will be exposed to an enviroment that will teach them courtesy, respect, discipline, sound morals and good sportspersonship.

Preparedness News and Events

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue's Bureaus, including Office of Emergency Management, continuously engage a host of partners in preparedness.  Together with other public, private and non-profit partners, communities can reach and serve more citizens before, during and after disasters. 

Station Tours

Station tours may be scheduled for groups of 10 or more. Firefighters assigned to the station of choice will walk the group through the facility explaining all the aspects of life at the firehouse, including a demonstration of the truck(s).

Truck Demonstrations

MDFR firefighters will bring fire and rescue trucks to schools and other community organizations for groups of 20 or more when scheduled in advance.

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howdy folks
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