
How COVID-19 infection can cause or worsen diabetes --new study

Researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine have used a cutting-edge model system to uncover the mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, induces new cases of diabetes, and worsens complications in people who already have it. The team found that viral exposure activates immune cells that in turn destroy beta cells, the pancreatic cells that produce insulin.

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Cholera Deaths Soar Worldwide as Fatalities spiked 71 percent last year, far outpacing the 13 percent rise in cases--WHO

The cholera outbreaks spreading across the globe are becoming more deadly. Deaths from the diarrheal disease soared last year, far outpacing the increase in cases, according to a new analysis by the World Health Organization.


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The effects of Covid lockdowns on teenagers outlines in new study

Covid lockdowns, such as school closures, canceled sports activities and stay-at-home orders, prematurely aged teen brains by as much as four years, researchers from the University of Washington found. 

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