Social Equity - SFL

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This working group focuses on issues related to racism, sexism, and ageism

The mission of the Social Equity working group is to study, discuss, and find solutions regarding issues of social equity, racism, sexism, ageism, and economic apartheid.


admin Albert Gomez

Email address for group

Exiled in Florida: the Puerto Ricans Struggling to Build a New Life Off Island


Congressman Darren Soto and staff reach out to Puerto Rican evacuees in a lobby in a Florida Super 8 motel in Kissimmee, Florida, earlier this month. Photograph: Staff/Reuters

For the more than 300,000 people who fled after Hurricane Maria the Sunshine State proved to be no Disney World but they are poised to have an electoral impact in the midterms - by Richard Luscombe - August 9, 2018

 . . . As of the end of June, more than 600 Puerto Rican families were still living in cramped, single-room accommodation in Florida hotels, two-thirds of them in central Florida’s Orange and Osceola counties and relying on the temporary shelter assistance program paid for by the federal emergency management agency (Fema).

And with the Orlando/Kissimmee/Sanford area third in the US for its dearth of affordable housing options, low-cost rentals are especially hard to come by, forcing even more to remain in $60-a-night hotel rooms in rundown areas, especially along the US 192 highway in Kissimmee . . . 

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Community Groups Begin Work On Hurricane Plans For Low-Income Neighborhoods In Miami-Dade, Broward


Volunteers with Koncious Contractors remove tree branches from a Little Havana home. After Hurricane Irma, many South Florida community groups deployed volunteers to low-income and disabled people with recovery.  NADEGE GREEN / WLRN - by KATE STEIN & ALEXANDER GONZALEZ - April 23, 2018

Several South Florida nonprofits are launching five meetings to ensure equality in hurricane recovery efforts, continuing work that began after Hurricane Irma.

After the storm, some elderly people went days without ice or water. Some students who rely on free school lunches didn't have a way to eat. Volunteers and community groups stepped up to host barbecues, deliver supplies and help with tree removal.

Now the groups want to create preparedness plans that specifically meet the needs of low-income neighborhoods. They also want to push for more accountability from elected officials.



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Why we should care about the United Nations’ COP21

From Nov. 30 — Dec. 11, delegates from 194 countries throughout the world will convene in France for the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This conference on climate change is expected to culminate with a new international agreement to mitigate climate change. FIU Law Senior Scholar Ryan Stoa and Journalism and Broadcasting Professor Juliet Pinto will be in attendance at the conference. In this op-ed, Tiffany Troxler, director of the FIU Sea Level Solutions Center, explains the importance of the international gathering.

Tiffany Troxler, director of the FIU Sea Level Solutions Center

Tiffany Troxler, director of the FIU Sea Level Solutions Center

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Coast Guard contains fuel spill in Government Cut Estimated 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel leaked into water

Coast Guard contains fuel spill in Government Cut

Estimated 2,000 gallons of diesel fuel leaked into water

Please go to the following link if you have any issues viewing this link. 

The distribution of this article is in support of dissiminating important local information on the current environmental disaster.  All footage and content is strictly owned by

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Florida County Taps Faith-Based Community for Preparedness

Illustration by Tom McKeith

courtesy of by Samuel Bendett - by Lauren Katims - March 11, 2013

Miami-Dade County, Fla., emergency management officials have been praised for their effective preparedness and recovery in a hurricane-and flood-prone area. Now the county is serving as the pilot for a federal program to better engage members of the community who haven’t been as easy to reach.

Communities Organized to Respond in Emergencies (CORE), a program launched by the Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, is designed to better engage faith-based and community organizations in planning for, responding to and recovering from disasters.


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