SFL DRI - Energy

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This working group is focused on discussions about energy.

The mission of this working group is to focus on discussions about energy.


DavidMcDougal jperodin Kathy Gilbeaux mdmcdonald MDMcDonald_me_com

Email address for group


Super Cheap Earth Element to Advance New Battery Tech to the Industry


Purdue researcher Jialiang Tang helped resolve charging issues in sodium-ion batteries that have prevented the technology from advancing to industry testing and use. Credit: Purdue University Marketing and Media

CLICK HERE - STUDY - Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of sodium powder as electrode additive to improve cycling performance of sodium-ion batteries

phys.org - by Kayla Wiles - September 19, 2018

Most of today's batteries are made up of rare lithium mined from the mountains of South America. If the world depletes this source, then battery production could stagnate.

Sodium is a very cheap and earth-abundant alternative to using lithium-ion batteries that is also known to turn purple and combust if exposed to water—even just water in the air.

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Solar Installers Should Bundle Panels With Heat Pumps, Study Says


Solar installers could make a better business case for panels bundled with heat pumps and other electric devices that offset natural-gas use, according to the Rocky Mountain Institute. Here, Luminalt solar installer Pam Quan moves a solar panel during an installation on the roof of a home on May 9, 2018 in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

CLICK HERE - REPORT - Rocky Mountain Institute - The Economics of Electrifying Buildings

forbes.com - by Jeff McMahon - September 2, 2018

Solar installers could offer rooftop customers even more savings by bundling solar panels with heat pumps and other electric appliances, according to a recent study by the Rocky Mountain Institute.

RMI studied the carbon benefits and financial costs  of electrification of home heating in four U.S. cities. The carbon reductions were pronounced in three of the four. The financial costs were harder to overcome—unless the electricity comes not from the grid, but from the rooftop.

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Electric Scooters’ Sudden Invasion of American Cities, Explained


Turns out there’s a lot of latent demand for a quick and cheap way to get around.

vox.com - by Umair Irfan - August 27, 2018

 . . . Amid the feverish passion for and against scooters, there’s a larger reckoning taking place about rapid changes to our cities and public spaces. The scooters are forcing conversations about who is entitled to use sidewalks, streets, and curbs, and who should pay for their upkeep.

They’re also exposing transit deserts, showing who is and isn’t adequately served by the status quo, and even by newer options like bike share. That people have taken so readily to scooters shows just how much latent demand there is for a quick and cheap way to get around cities.



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Grand Jury Reports - 2017 Fall Term – As Storm Clouds Gathered: The Preparation for and Aftermath of Hurricane Irma

miamisao.com - Filed August 1, 2018

The Fall Term 2017 Grand Jury is releasing this report during Hurricane Season 2018, approximately one-and-a-half-months shy of the one year anniversary of Hurricane Irma making landfall in South Florida.  Based on information we received regarding the preparation for and the aftermath of Hurricane Irma’s impact on South Florida, this Grand Jury decided to conduct an investigation of this topic.

Grand Jury Reports - 2017 Fall Term – As Storm Clouds Gathered: The Preparation for and Aftermath of Hurricane Irma
(37 page .PDF document)

Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office - Grand Jury Reports


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