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South Florida Bee College- August 16th-17th, 2013

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The most extensive educational honey bee event in the state of Florida has expanded to South Florida! Members of the University of Florida’s Honey Bee Research and Extension Laboratory are pleased to announce the 1st annual South Florida Bee College. SFBC will be held at UF’s Fort Lauderdale Research and Extension Center (FLREC) in Davie, Florida. 
The two-day event offers classes for beekeepers of all ages and experience levels, gardeners, naturalists, county agents, and anyone else interested in honey bees. You do not have to keep bees to attend; the only prerequisite is your interest in the subject! Even if you have attended the UF Bee College before, we are sure that you will find that the SFBC will be just as fulfilling. The course lineup has topics to suit your practical needs as well as satisfy your growing curiosity on a diversity of honey bee related subjects. We have a suggested beginner track lineup (in orange on the schedule) for novices, though students at the SFBC may attend any course regardless of expertise. 
We will be hosting a Spanish-Speaking Track, featuring basic beekeeping courses. We have several speakers fluent in Spanish and educated in beekeeping - we are excited to cater to the needs of the culturally diverse community in South Florida. 
Included in the registration fee on both days are snacks, catered lunches, a catered banquet dinner on Friday evening, and the ice cream social following the awards ceremony. During the ceremony, we announce the place winners and best of show in the South Florida Bee College Honey Show, as well as give out door prizes. 
Our team of experts and dedicated staff are excited to host the 1st annual South Florida Bee College. We look forward to seeing you there!

—The Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab 
at the University of Florida

Date and Location


Registration for South Florida Bee College will occur online. ALL ATTENDEES MUST REGISTER ONLINE for admission to the event. Payment will be accepted through credit card online, mail-in by check. All HBREL events, including Bee College, will have registraion through Eventbrite. Please visit HBREL's ticketing page -

Eventbrite - South Florida Bee College


No se olvide de inscribirse en línea. Ud. puede registrarse fácilmente y pagar con tarjeta de crédito o mandar un cheque por correo.

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Admission and Scholarships

Discounts are available for youth (<18), college students (with ID), county agents, Master Beekeeper Program Students, Fl. Master Gardeners and Fl. Master Naturalists. Discounts are also available for families (parents and dependent children) and kids under 5 are free. Please see registration page (on for prices). NEW! discount price now applicable for Caribbean citizens. Meals are included in the price. NEW!discount price now applicable for DPI Employees.


Beginner topics: There is a beginner track, listed in orange on the schedule. It is repeated both days, so that if you come only Friday or only Saturday you can attend these crucial courses. If you attend the whole event, then it gives you the opportunity to fulfill the beginner track over two days and still attend other interesting classes that may coincide with the track.

Advanced Topics: We host a number of courses in a workshop-like setting where you gain experience using microscopes, building equipment, bee identification, diesease identification, honey bee anatomy and more.

Hobbyists and Craft-lovers: We have fun DIY classes like candle making, honey exhibitions, honey marketing and more.

Something for Everyone: We try to create the classes so that they are directed toward either beginners or advanced beekeepers but can accommodate anyone interested in the subject. We also have timely keynote addresses given by some of the world's leaders in honey bee research, advocacy and literature.

Spanish Track: At SFBC we will have many classes taught in both English and Spanish. Details to follow.


Programa Y clases: Haga clic aquí


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Special Guests

Dr. Ernesto Guzman is a Professor and Leader of the Honey Bee Research Centre in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Guelph in Ontario Canada, since 2004.  Dr. Guzman was born and raised in Mexico, where he started to keep bees in 1978.  He got a DVM degree in 1982 and obtained M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Entomology from the University of California at Davis in 1989 and 1992, respectively.  Before accepting a position at the University of Guelph, he had worked for several institutions, including the University of California, Purdue University, the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture, and the National University of Mexico.  In 1994 he was appointed director of the National Apicultural Research Program for the Mexican Department of Agriculture.  Dr. Guzman has ample academic and research experience.  He has taught courses in Apiculture and Genetics and has conducted multiple research projects.  During the course of his career he has graduated more than 30 D.V.M., M.Sc. and Ph.D. students.  His research has been focused on the genetics, behavior, and parasitic mites of honey bees.  His studies have contributed to the understanding of foraging behavior, defensive behavior, and the mechanisms that confer resistance to honey bees against parasitic mites, which is a critical area that addresses the most serious problem beekeepers face worldwide.  Dr. Guzman also developed selective breeding methodologies with which three strains of bees were developed.  These bees produce 25% more honey and are 50% less defensive than unselected strains of bees.  Ernesto Guzman is author and co-author of more than 300 publications, including scientific and trade journal articles, as well as books, book chapters and summaries in conference proceedings.  Dr. Guzman has received numerous honors and awards.

Dr. Malcolm Sanford is a Professor Emeritus in the UF Entomology Department. He is the Executive Secretary of the Florida State Beekeepers Association and author of “Storey’s Guide to Keeping Honey Bees.” He runs Apis Information Resource Center at As a writer for the beekeeping press for over 25 years, he has published numerous articles for The Speedy BeeBee Culture and American Bee Journal.  The first publication listed includes summaries of the majority of the annual conventions of the American Beekeeping Federation, as well as resumés of World Apicultural Congress meetings held in Acapulco, Mexico (1981); Budapest, Hungary (1983), and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1989). I completed a series  of articles for Bee Culture on the Durban, South Africa Apimondia meeting (2001), and also series  ongenetically modified organisms,  Brazilian apiculture, events relating to honey bees at the International Union of Social Insects (Russia), and Africanized honey bees in the Americas  for theAmerican Bee Journal.

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Accommodations are the individual responsibility of each guest. Accommodations in Davie, Plantation, Ft. Lauderdale, or even near the beachare acceptable locations. Please see the color flyer above for detailed hotel information.

NEW! We've reserved a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn Express for just $79/night. say SFBC to reserve when calling.
2450 SW 64th Ave.
Davie, FL 33317

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SFBC will host several top of the line vendors who sell beekeeping equipment, supplies, accessories, books and more. Please see the links below for our registered vendors:

South Florida Bee Supplies - Miami, FL

D&J Apiary - Umatilla, Fl

Hives and More - Jacksonville, Fl

R & J Apiaries - selling almost 30 varieties of honey - Tallahassee, Fl

SFBC has 3 open spots for vendors- please click here for vendor application asnd apply ASAP!

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Honey Show

Please join us in becoming an exhibitor at the 1st Annual South Florida Bee College Honey Show! Enter your honey, art, carpentry, baked goods and more! See the Schedule and rules for details!

View the SFBC Honey Show Schedule here

View the SFBC Honey Show Rules and Regulations here

View the Honey Cake Recipe here

Download the SFBC Honey Show Entry Form here

please send your entry form to:

Glinda Burnett c/o SFBC Honey Show

PO Box 110620, Gainesville Fl 32611

OR Email it ot ***@***.***

**please note, if you are entering the honey show you must regsiter online AND then send in an entry form. Entry is free, with registration to the event.

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SFBC will serve morning coffee with registration, a mid-morning snack, catered lunch and an afternoon snack on both Friday and Saturday. Friday there will be a banquet cookout. All food is included in the price. Vegetarian options available at each meal/snack.

We are utilizing local farmers and vendors to supply us with or food. Morning and afternoon  snacks provided by Sunshine Bakery, and Seriously Localproduce   Lunch is being provided by Rinconcito Boliviano and Friday night we will have a BBQ cookout serving up fresh chicken, ribs, veggies skewers, potatoe salad, garden salad, corn on the cob and honey glazed carrots and a honey bun with sweet tea provided again bySeriously Local.


If you would like to support the SFBC by donating volunteer time, catering skills, or perhaps by sponsoring an individual in need to attend this educational event plesae contact Jeanette today***@***.***

PDF icon SFBC_FINAL.pdf3.63 MB
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After talking with Jeanette L. Klopchin, Director of the Honey Bee Extension Lab at University of Florida, who will be hosting the inagural South Florida Bee College, It looks like it will be a full house.

Much success for the first of many!

howdy folks
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