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City of Miami- Emergency Management

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Dear Residents & Visitors:
Welcome to the City of Miami's Emergency Management webpage. It is our hope that the information found here will be a valuable and timely resource for you and your families. Over the past several years, the world has witnessed a string of serious disasters. These threats - either from man or nature - have reminded us all of the instability of our safety. As a result, the City of Miami now places a greater emphasis on public safety and emergency management than ever before. Our Police and Fire-Rescue Departments engage in year-round emergency management preparation, planning and training. We remain committed to continually improving our practices so that we face each day better prepared.
Active Shooter Preparedness
Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane Information
Hurricane Preparation
Hurricane Categories
  Other Types of Emergencies
After a Disaster

Important Links and Contacts
  Contacts for Residents
Contacts for Visitors
Emergency Management Contacts
  Emergency Management Division

Local Resources
  Miami - Dade County
  Coral Gables 
  Key Biscayne
  Miami Beach 
  Red Cross (Miami) 
Salvation Army

Groups audience: 
howdy folks
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