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CLEANENERGY.ORG - Southern Alliance for Clean Energy

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Who We Are


Southern Alliance for Clean Energy promotes responsible energy choices that create global warming solutions and ensure clean, safe and healthy communities throughout the Southeast.


  • Protecting Treasured Places
  • Promoting Energy Independence
  • Advancing a Clean Energy Economy
  • Creating Job Opportunities
  • Saving Energy and Saving Money
  • Empowering Diverse Constituencies
  • Ensuring Safe, Healthy Communities
SACE has been a leading voice for energy policy to protect the quality of life and treasured places in the Southeast since 1985. 

picture_1_09-49-21.pngOur dedicated and diverse staff is poised to tackle our region’s energy challenges and harness the economic opportunities presented by clean renewable energy. SACE advocates for federal, state and local climate policy solutions, energy efficiency programs and policies, and renewable energy such as solar, wind, and sustainable bioenergy. We promote clean fuels and vehicles, oppose nuclear and coal-fired power plant expansion, and encourage the retirement of old, dirty inefficient coal-fired power plants in our region. 

For over 25 years, SACE has worked as a strong defender of the environment, challenging the status quo and working to minimize the impact of the energy sector on our region’s communities, natural resources and economies. We are committed to ensuring that communities throughout the Southeast never have to choose between a healthy environment and a stable economy. 

What We Do

iconclimateaction.png Climate Action 
iconcleanenergy.png Clean Energy
iconcleanfuel.png Clean Fuels/
iconenergyefficiency.png Energy Efficiency
iconhighriskenergy.png High Risk 
Energy Choices 

Through the support of our members and allies, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy: 

  • Works to find clean energy solutions to help reduce the impact of climate change. 
  • Identifies problems and creates effective, real-world solutions through our experience in promoting healthy communities throughout the Southeast.
  • Builds bridges among environmental, business, agricultural and governmental interests that affect our overall quality of life.
  • Works directly with diverse stakeholders and industries on energy issues affecting the region.
  • Promotes policy change through education and outreach to improve public health, the environment and the economy.

The nation’s growing interest and awareness of energy issues and climate change has quickly increased opportunities for SACE to work toward its mission. Recent large-scale environmental catastrophes like the BP oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico have even more so made our work imperative. The time to focus on moving our nation toward a clean energy future is now.

We invite you to join us in the movement toward a cleaner, safer Southeast by becoming a member of SACE, attending events in your area, adapting your own environmentally-sound lifestyle choices, and engaging with your community and state officials on how we can all choose to make our region and nation a cleaner living place now and for generations to come.

Where We Work
P.O. Box 1842
Knoxville, TN 37901


250 Arizona Avenue, NE
Atlanta, GA 30307
34 Wall Street, Suite 607
Asheville, NC 28801
P.O. Box 1833
Pittsboro, NC 27312
11 W. Park Avenue
Savannah, GA 31401


P.O. Box 50451
Jacksonville, FL 32240


P.O. Box 13673
Charleston, SC 29422
Contact Offices and Staff

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is the only organization working throughout the Southeast region to create solutions to climate change. Our programs and campaigns work to support clean energy, air, water, and safe communities in the region with a primary focus on states where we have offices and staff – FloridaGeorgia,North CarolinaSouth Carolina and Tennessee. Because of our broad geographical presence, SACE is addressing the unique need for action on climate policy utilizing a regional approach that allows us to compare trends, share solutions and identify common interests.  

From the Everglades to the Appalachian Mountains, the Southeast features many treasured places that are at risk from global warming. The Southeast is also one of the fastest growing regions in the United States and we are rapidly becoming a major contributor to the nation’s emissions of global warming pollution. Each state features distinct resources and challenges, but they all share similar struggles and opportunities.  

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy strives to advance clean energy solutions in these states and across the region. Our goal is to raise the standards in the Southeast on how energy is produced and consumed while setting a good example of how to mitigate climate change and reduce global warming pollution. 





34 Wall Street, Suite 607, Asheville, NC 28801 828.254.6776


250 Arizona Ave. NE, Atlanta, GA 30307 404.373.5832


P.O. Box 1833 Pittsboro, NC 27312 919.360.2492


P.O. Box 1842, Knoxville, TN 37901 865.637.6055


11 W. Park Avenue, Savannah, GA 31401 912.201.0354



Stephen Smith, DVMStephen Smith, DVM - Executive Director

Dr. Stephen A. Smith has 30 years of experience effecting change for the environment. Since 1993, Dr. Smith has led the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) as its executive director. SACE is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization working to promote responsible energy choices that create global warming solutions and ensure clean, safe and healthy communities throughout the Southeast. With support from members, supporters, board of directors, and staff focusing efforts in five Southeastern states (Fla., Ga., N.C., S.C., and Tenn.), SACE has grown to be a premier voice for energy efficiency and renewable energy issues in the region.
Dr. Smith represents SACE by providing leadership and professional expertise to external organizations, committees and working groups. In the last several years he has served on North Carolina Legislative Commission on Global Climate Change and the North Carolina Climate Action Planning Advisory Group; the South Carolina Climate, Energy and Commerce Advisory Committee; State of Florida Energy Supply and Demand Committee of the state Climate Action Team; the national governing board for the Center for Resource Solutions' National Green Power Accreditation; and the U. S. Department of Energy, Tennessee Valley Electric System Advisory Committee. Additionally, he served two terms on Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) Regional Resource Stewardship Council, TVA’s Green Power Marketing Committee, and TVA’s Integrated Resource Planning Advisory Group. Dr. Smith currently serves on the U. S. Climate Action Network board of directors and previously served as board chair. He has also had the privilege to testify before the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee; the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives; the Great Smoky Mountain Congressional Caucus; and several state public service commissions.

Dr. Smith holds a doctorate in veterinarian medicine from the University of Tennessee and a Bachelor of Science in biology from Kentucky Wesleyan College.  In 2009, he and his family commissioned a 7.1 kilowatt rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) system on their Knoxville home; the previous October they installed a solar thermal system. By coupling these solar technologies with additional energy efficiency investments, the Smiths strive to live in a “net-zero energy home.” 

Sara BarczakSara Barczak - High Risk Energy Director

Sara oversees our coastal office in Savannah, Georgia, which opened in March 2000 after the former Georgians for Clean Energy hired her in October 1999. As program director for high risk energy choices, Sara provides extensive support to concerned citizens and organizing partners, participates in legislative, state and federal regulatory forums on issues concerning nuclear energy, public safety, utilities and the negative impacts of power plants on the region's water resources.  She participated in a U.S./Russian exchange with non-governmental organizations in Russia impacted by plutonium bomb fuel (MOX) programs, including travel to Russia. Sara has worked for over thirteen years in diverse environmental fields in the private and non-profit sectors: as an environmental consultant for Department of Defense facilities relating to hazardous waste and air quality issues and as a citizen's advocate, educator and consultant for two non-profit organizations. Sara received a B.A. in Biology from Lawrence University. 
Anne BlairAnne Blair - Clean Fuels and Bioenergy Director

Anne is the program manager for SACE’s clean fuels and bioenergy programs. Her work focuses on diesel emissions reduction, advanced transportation and the utilization of biomass for electricity and fuel production, with an emphasis on state and federal energy, fuel, transportation, and climate policy and education. Anne joined the SACE staff in 2003. Anne serves on the Green-e Governance Board, the Southeast Diesel Collaborative Leadership Council, the Steering Committee for the Pine 2 Energy Coalition, facilitates the Tennessee Diesel Working Group and is a graduate of the Environmental Leadership Institute. Anne is the lead author of "A Safer Ride to School: How to Clean Up School Buses and Protect Our Children's Health" and "A Case for the Healthy School Bus: Lessons from the Field." Anne previously worked for River Network in Washington, DC, The Fund for Public Interest Research Group, and was an AmeriCorps volunteer with the National Park Service. She is a graduate of Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in Lynchburg, VA. 
John BonitzJohn Bonitz - Farm Outreach and Policy Advocate

John works with farmers, woodland owners, and other rural interests in NC, SC, and TN, providing information about bioenergy. John’s work promotes sustainable utilization of biomass for electricity and fuel production, with an emphasis on state and federal policies. He serves in an advisory capacity to the Steering Committee of the Southern Agriculture & Forestry Energy Resources (SAFER) Alliance, on the Communications Council of the NC Biofuels Center, and is an active member of the Biomass Councils in North and South Carolina. John joined the SACE staff in April 2007.   The son of a dairy farmer, John previously worked for the RuralAdvancement Foundation International (RAFI-USA), Piedmont BiofuelsCooperative, Chatham Marketplace Cooperative Grocery, the NationalRenewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the NC Department of Environmentand Natural Resources (NC DENR), and in the environmental consultingfield.  During his tenure with Piedmont Biofuels Cooperative the groupreceived the 2005 Sustainability Award for work in cutting-edgetechnologies that build the infrastructure for sustainable products orservices (award conferred by Sustainable North Carolina).  John studiedtowards a Masters Degree in Public Policy at University of MarylandCollege Park and completed his Bachelor of Arts in EnvironmentalStudies from University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1992.
Erin CameronErin Cameron - Development & Outreach Coordinator

Erin has joined Southern Alliance for Clean Energy as the Development and Outreach Coordinator. She is responsible for managing the donor database system, as well grants tracking, workplace giving, coordinating webinars and assisting the organization with providing excellent stewardship practices.  Erin has worked with non-profit organizations focusing on community outreach and development for the past eleven years, most recently with the Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Foundation.  Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a grandchild of the Steel Industry, she feels very strongly about providing clean energy resources today and tomorrow.  Erin has personally employed clean energy practices in her life; including solar energy, alternative water systems, gardening and supporting local food systems.  Erin earned her Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.   
Chris CarnevaleChris Carnevale - Coastal Climate and Energy Coordinator 

Based in Charleston, South Carolina, Chris Carnevale is SACE’s Coastal Climate and Energy Coordinator.  His work focuses on building a critical mass of support for offshore wind energy installations and opposition to offshore oil drilling in the coastal Southeast.  He facilitates regional communication about climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies between various entities by managing the Southeastern Coastal Climate Network and the Florida Climate Alliance.   Prior to joining SACE’s staff in 2011, Chris worked with the Community Office for Resource Efficiency in Colorado’s Roaring Fork Valley, implementing regional energy efficiency and renewable energy programs.  He has also worked with a number of ecological agriculture systems, is on the board of directors of the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute and works with an organic waste recycling company. Chris received a double B.A. in history and environmental studies from Denison University and a permaculture design consultant’s certification from the Permaculture Institute USA.

George CavrosGeorge Cavros - Florida Energy Policy Attorney

George joined SACE in April 2013. His focus is on advocating for state policies that sustainably ramp-up energy efficiency programs by Florida’s power companies, and that encourage meaningful renewable energy development in the state. He oversees SACE’s work in Florida and serves as the organization’s legal counsel in the state. George worked with SACE as a consultant / attorney for 6 years prior to joining the staff. George previously worked as Florida Representative for the National Environmental Trust on campaigns to defeat attempts to weaken landmark federal environmental laws and worked to promote federal policy to address the challenge of climate change. Prior to that, George clerked with the US EPA Stationary Air Enforcement Division. George is active in the south Florida community and serves on the Broward County Climate Change Task Force. He earned his JD with honors from Nova Southeastern University’s Shepard Broad Law Center. He also enjoys his work as an adjunct professor of  Energy Law.       

Charlie Coggeshall, MBACharlie Coggeshall, MBA - Renewable Energy Manager

Charlie joined the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy as a Renewable Energy Manager in November 2012. His role is to identify and implement state and utility-level strategies that support renewable energy market development throughout the Southeast, with a particular focus on solar energy. He works out of the Asheville office, and is an active volunteer with local energy and environmental groups. Prior to joining SACE, Charlie worked with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in developing major assessments and funding opportunities in support of solar energy technologies, markets, and policies. He has co-authored several NREL technical reports and was a lead editor and coordinator of DOE’s landmark solar feasibility analysis, the SunShot Vision Study. Charlie holds an MBA with a concentration in Environmental Policy from the University of Denver, and a BS in Community Development and Applied Economics from the University of Vermont. 
James FallJames Fall - Chief Financial Officer

James Fall joined Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in June 2009. He handles Accounting, Human Resources and IT.  Some of his key responsibilities include payroll, accounts payable, reconciliations, and general office management. James is a Southern California native and relocated to Eastern Tennessee with six other members of his family in 2009. He has a broad range of finance and accounting experience over the past 10+ years, most recently in banking. Prior to that James worked for an engineering company that handled landfill gas control and storm water pollution prevention. James has a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix and is CPA eligible.

Angela GarroneAngela Garrone - Southeast Energy Research Attorney

Angela Garrone recently joined SACE as our Southeast Energy Research Attorney to work on coal retirement issues in the TVA area and on new renewable energy projects. She previously worked with the Solar Electric Power Association in Washington, D.C., after finishing a yearlong legal intern position at the Environmental Protection Agency’s headquarters. She completed a year in George Washington University’s Energy and Environmental Law L.L.M. program and is finishing her thesis on distributed generation regulations and microgrid implementation. Angela graduated cum laude from Pace University Law School, with a Certificate in Environmental Law. She participated in Pace’s Environmental Litigation Clinic, where she helped represent Riverkeeper in an administrative challenge to Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant’s Clean Water Act permits. Angela was also a member of the Pace International Law Review and an article writer for Greenlaw, the environmental law program’s bulletin. Angela has recently been appointed Vice-Chair of State Regulatory Issues in the Energy and Natural Resources Market Regulation Committee of the American Bar Association's Section of Environment, Energy and Resources. She graduated magna cum laude from the University of Memphis, with a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy – and is a proud native Memphian. 
Jimmy  GreenJimmy Green - Energy Policy Manager

Jimmy joined SACE in January 2012. His focus is promoting energy efficiency programs at utilities throughout the southeast, particularly at TVA and utilities in the TVA region. Before coming to SACE, Jimmy ran a consulting business in Los Angeles working to design, implement and evaluate demand side management programs for utilities. Jimmy has also worked for utilities, school districts and design firms in energy efficiency programs. He was on the Professional Advisory Group for the California Energy Commission, participating in the development of California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Jimmy received a B.A. in mathematics from The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, and a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Columbia University in New York. 
Rachel GrilloRachel Grillo - Sr. Director of Development and Operations

Rachel joined the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in 2006 as development director and moved into the senior director of development & operations position in 2011. She serves as the go-to-person for solicitation of foundation and government grants, fostering relationships with major donors, creating open communication between our program staff and our constituents, as well as overseeing the development of innovative communication tools. With more than a decade of non profit experience Rachel has led SACE's technology and database expansion. She worked with the United Way, in offices across the United States, and most recently in Denver, Colorado. Originally from Miami, Rachel earned her bachelor’s degree in sociology from Florida State University.  
Mandy HancockMandy Hancock - High Risk Energy Organizer

Mandy Hancock is the High Risk Energy Organizer for SACE, working with ally organizations and students to prevent new nuclear reactors in the Southeast. She initially joined the team in 2008 as the Florida Campus Organizer for the Southern Energy Network. Mandy earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Valdosta State University where she majored in Anthropology and Sociology. She was an active organizer on campus, helped found the Georgia state campus network, and led organizing for the 2008 Southeast Student Renewable Energy Conference. As the High Risk Energy Organizer, Mandy advocates a carbon and nuclear free future. She currently lives in Gainesville, Florida. 
Tom Larson, MBATom Larson, MBA - Florida Energy Policy Manager

Tom Larson signed on with SACE in July 2008, for energy policy research, analysis and advocacy focused on Florida. Working from Jacksonville Beach, Florida, his main responsibility is to encourage improved energy efficiency and demand-side renewable energy programs by utilities, industry, government and consumers. These programs will help Florida avoid unnecessary power plants and reduce global warming pollution. Following a career as a business executive, principally in cargo transportation, Tom has campaigned for climate protection in Florida with the Sierra Club and has supported its local water quality and critical land preservation efforts and those of the St. Johns Riverkeeper, Public Trust Environmental Legal Institute and North Florida Land Trust. In 2007, Tom served on the Climate Change Advisory Group of the Florida Energy Commission. In March 2009, Tom was appointed to the Florida Energy Code Workgroup advising the Florida Building Commission. In March 2011, the North Florida Clean Cities Coalition appointed Tom to its Board of Directors.  With a bachelor degree from Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) in Public Administration and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago, Tom is a continuing student of human affairs and environmental science. 
Simon MahanSimon Mahan - Renewable Energy Manager

Simon joined Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in September 2010. He is responsible for overseeing the organization's promotion of clean energy with a focus on onshore wind energy within the region, offshore wind and wind energy transmission. Simon specializes in policy advocacy, energy analysis and stakeholder engagement. Previously, he worked as an advocate and analyst for an ocean conservation organization in Washington, DC addressing offshore wind economics, industrial energy efficiency and mercury reduction policies. He earned his B.S. in political science at Missouri State University with minors in biology and communications. 
Jeannie McKinneyJeannie McKinney - Communications Coordinator

Jeannie supports SACE's efforts as part of the communication team. She first joined the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in the summer of 2011 as an energy efficiency policy advocate, engaging in energy efficiency and low-income issues. Now, she works with her team to coordinate SACE’s digital media efforts and manage media communications. Jeannie graduated with honors from Wake Forest University in May 2010, and holds a BA in international studies with a focus on Japan and East Asia. There, she was engaged in campus organizing and fundraising work as a student leader for the environmental, technology, and Japanese groups on campus. Prior to joining SACE, Jeannie spent some time abroad in Hokkaido, Japan, working as a language instructor, and experienced the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. 
Natalie Mims, MELNatalie Mims, MEL - Energy Efficiency Director

Natalie directs SACE efforts to support the rapid and sustainable ramp-up of energy efficiency program across the Southeast. As the energy efficiency director, she oversees SACE energy efficiency advocacy with utility regulators and participates in regulatory and collaborative proceedings to evaluate efficiency as resource, energy efficiency potential studies, evaluation measurement & verification, and program planning.  Prior to joining SACE, Natalie was a senior consultant in the Electricity Practice at Rocky Mountain Institute. Her research at RMI focused on identifying and quantifying the energy efficiency potential of the United States and identifying the best opportunities to capture the energy, environmental and economic savings. Natalie holds a BA in English and Political Science from the Pennsylvania State University and a Masters of Studies in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School. 
Kelsea NorrisKelsea Norris - Southern Energy Network, Executive Director

Based in Knoxville, Kelsea is the Executive Director of the Southern Energy Network, a project of SACE that organizes students to combat climate change and advance renewable energy in the Southeast. She has been on staff with SEN since 2011, serving first as Development Coordinator and then as Tennessee Campus Organizer, where she built a thriving network of young activists who pushed their colleges and universities to become leading green power purchasers. Kelsea first got involved with SEN as a student organizer in 2007, where she co-founded Georgia Youth for Environmental Solutions, mobilized thousands of young people to vote for climate champions in the 2008 elections, and participated in a coalition to half the construction of three coal-fired power plants. She graduated from the University of Georgia with degrees in English and Women’s Studies. 
Lisa PetroskyLisa Petrosky - Director of Finance

Lisa Petrosky joined Southern Alliance For Clean Energy in February 2010.  She handles Accounting, Human Resources and IT.  Lisa relocated to the Knoxville area with her family in 2006 from her native state, Michigan.  She has an extensive background in Accounting, most recently as a Corporate Accountant for a local business here in Knoxville.  Prior to that Lisa worked for a nonprofit agency that dealt with the mentally and physically challenged and troubled youths.  Lisa has a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration/Accounting from Northwood University and is currently studying to become a CPA.

Seandra R. PopeSeandra R. Pope - Diversity & Community Partnerships Manager

Seandra joined the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in December 2009. She leads the development and implementation of strategies to increase awareness and community advocacy from low-income and communities of color in the southeast for climate and clean energy policies. As SACE’s Diversity Committee Chair, Seandra also directs our internal diversity initiatives to increase our commitment as an organization to diversity and inclusion. Seandra was raised in Georgia and earned her degree in Political Science from Spelman College. Prior to joining SACE, Seandra worked with the Georgia Sierra Club and with Service Employee's International Union. 
Ulla Reeves, MEMUlla Reeves, MEM - High Risk Energy Program Director and NC Liaison

Ulla serves as Southern Alliance for Clean Energy's High Risk Energy Program Director, overseeing the organization’s High Risk Energy coal programs and managing state-based and regional coal campaigns highlighting public health and environmental concerns, and promoting policies to address coal pollution and water use, stopping new coal plant development, and pushing for retirement of existing facilities. She joined SACE in 1999 and opened the Asheville office in 2004. Ulla previously served as SACE’s Regional Program Director and Regional Clean Air Campaign Coordinator and is also currently serving as SACE’s North Carolina State Liaison.

Ulla is on the board of the North Carolina Conservation Network. Previously, Ulla was the program manager for Peacework International Volunteer Programs. She also worked on minority educational initiatives in SW Virginia and held two consecutive positions as office coordinator for campus recycling services at the University of Oregon and Virginia Tech. 

Ulla has a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from Virginia Tech and a Masters of Environmental Management from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment; her master’s thesis focused on climate adaptation strategies for Southeast coastal communities.

Jennifer Rennicks, M.S.Jennifer Rennicks, M.S. - Director of Policy & Communications 

Jennifer Rennicks, M.S., directs the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy's federal policy and communication efforts. She serves as the primary liaison between SACE’s programs and our region’s Congressional offices in order to educate policy makers about the challenges our region faces from global warming pollution and the clean energy solutions at hand. An experienced advocate, writer and public speaker, Jennifer also directs SACE’s overall communication efforts by managing CleanEnergy's Footprints blog, overseeing website and digital communications and fielding press queries. Before joining SACE in September 2006, Jennifer managed a watershed project with Upstate Forever in Greenville, SC; conducted research for the Ecosystem Management Initiative in Ann Arbor, MI; and coordinated projects for the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism in Columbia, SC. She earned a Master of Science degree in Environmental Policy and Resource Management from the University of Michigan in 2000 which included a summer of ecological field research in Belize and a Bachelor of Arts from Tufts University in 1993 which included a semester in Costa Rica. 
Kacy RohnKacy Rohn - Executive Assistant

Kacy joined Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in September 2012. She serves as the assistant to Executive Director Stephen A. Smith. She is primarily responsible for maintaining his schedule. Prior to joining SACE, Kacy worked for several years as an organizer and regional field director in issue advocacy and contested statewide and national elections, including for the presidential campaign of Barack Obama in 2008. Most recently she worked in her home state of Maryland at a local non-profit organization doing community development work. She holds a B.A. in Political Science from Dickinson College. 
Amelia ShenstoneAmelia Shenstone - Southeast Energy Organizer

Amelia works with SACE’s High Risk Energy team to encourage investor-owned and co-op utilities to invest in energy efficiency rather than new coal-fired power plants, and to retire the oldest, dirtiest coal plants in the Southeast. She organizes educational and outreach events, meets with energy leaders, and mobilizes community support for clean energy.  She also represents the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy in the Georgians for Smart Energy coalition. 

Before joining SACE, Amelia helped establish an organization that facilitates a clean energy transition for economically vulnerable coalfield communities in West Virginia.  She has also campaigned for clean energy initiatives in several states, and for Gulf Coast wetland preservation to protect New Orleans, her previous home.  Amelia is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College and Green Corps, the field school for environmental organizing. 
Anna Cayce SmitAnna Cayce Smit - Clean Energy Associate

Anna works on wind and clean transportation issues, mostly focused on Georgia.  She provides assistance on wind energy research, prepares educational materials for presentations and helps plan and implement events and workshops.  She also provides support on wind activities in South Carolina.  She previously worked as an educator and has a background in communications, events and program planning and grant writing.  After college Anna worked in Redwood National and State Parks as an environmental technician; it was during her stay in California that she became intrigued by wind energy and its potential usage in Georgia.  Anna attended college at Valdosta State University where she received a B.F.A in Speech Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations in 2007. 
Jennifer StachowskiJennifer Stachowski - Accounting Assistant

Jennifer Stachowski joined SACE in March 2012. Her work in Accounting and Human Resources includes managing accounts payable, reconciliations and general administration duties. The majority of Jennifer's experience in accounting and finance comes from her background in the banking industry. Originally from Michigan, she relocated to Knoxville in 2008 with her family. Jennifer is currently studying at Strayer University where she is working on earning her Bachelors Degree in Accounting. 
Amy Vaden, MELAmy Vaden, MEL - Donor Relations Officer

Amy joined SACE as Development Associate in our Asheville office in the summer of 2010. She is primarily responsible for the organization’s written materials. Her work includes drafting grant proposals and reports, conducting and managing prospect research, and developing and editing communicative documents and tools. Amy received her Bachelor or Arts in Environmental Studies from the University of the South in Sewanee, TN, in 2004, and her Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School in 2008. She is glad to call the southern Appalachians home and is excited to support clean energy policies in the southeast. 
Joan WalkerJoan Walker - High Risk Energy Coordinator

Joan supports SACE’s High Risk Coal team in a variety of ways including organizing field campaigns, maintaining web presence for coal and coal ash issues, data and policy research and analysis and coordinating with regional stakeholders and allied organizations. 

Previously, she conducted education and outreach for the NC Sustainable Energy Association. As an energy efficient building codes consultant she spearheaded the successful effort mobilizing NC public officials to approve a 30% efficiency improvement in the nation’s building codes. She earned her Bachelors of Science in Environmental Studies from UNC Asheville where she was a founding director of the Student Environmental Center and later managed an energy internship and fellowship program, which created $40,000 worth of annual energy savings. She is a contributing author to the American Planning Association’s Planning for a New Energy and Climate Future, and holds a Masters in Community and Regional Planning from Appalachian State University. 
John D. Wilson, MPPJohn D. Wilson, MPP - Research Director

John directs SACE’s research activities and leads SACE’s utility reform campaigns and investigation into methods to reduce or sequester global warming pollution. He participates in a number of state commissions to study global warming solutions in partnership with government staff, utilities, business, and community leaders. In 2008, John co-authored Cornerstones: Building a Secure Foundation for North Carolina’s Energy Future. He also maintains SACE’s technical publications related to utility planning and finance, and renewable energy markets in the southeast. John is a public policy analyst with over 20 years of experience working on a range of environmental and other issues. He has been formally recognized for his accomplishments by conservation organizations, academic institutions and by the City of Houston. John holds a BA in Physics and History from Rice University and a MPP from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He previously served as the executive director of the Galveston-Houston Association for Smog Prevention (GHASP). Other highlights from his work experience include consulting on "smart growth" transportation projects, research for the Florida Legislature on a wide range of issues, and global warming research in Texas and for the U.S. EPA. 
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