A Guide to This year’s Affordable Care Act enrollment --it is different

Personal beliefs may skew memories of COVID pandemic and deepen polarization--international studies

Personal motivations color people's memories of the COVID-19 pandemic, biasing their assessment of past political actions and complicating emergency-preparedness planning, suggests an analysis of four empirical studies.

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COVID-19 death rates higher for certain occupations-- new study


...Previous studies have revealed disparities in COVID-19-related deaths among population demographics, including age, race and pre-existing medical conditions, but a new study by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH) has determined another factor – a person’s profession.



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U.S. infant mortality rate rose, largest increase in 2 decades - -CDC

U.S. Medicare hospital pricing issues, nursing home finances

US workers ill with influenza or COVID-19 were less likely to work onsite than those with other acute respiratory infections

One in 7 Americans have had long COVID, chances are greater with original strain --studies

A new investigation led by researchers from the University College London and Dartmouth College suggests 14% of Americans had long COVID by the end of 2022. The details of the investigation are published in PLOS One.

Moreover, Americans who report having experienced long COVID said they also experienced more anxiety, low mood, and difficulty with memory. ...

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WHO official warns dengue fever, a painful disease. will become a major threat this decade

The chief scientist from the World Health Organization is warning that Earth’s rising temperature will make dengue fever a massive threat within this decade.



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U.S. CDC to expand disease surveillance at four major US airports to include flu, RSV

Most US farmers still reject planting cover crops although they help the enviornment


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Covid pandemic ‘had lasting impact’ on brain health of people aged 50 or over--UK study

Only half of eliigible people received US nutrition program benefits

Only half of people eligible for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) receive benefits from it, a new United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) report has found.

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Migrants to US cities may need medical care but it's not that easy to find

The ACA enrollments were better than expected


New research from the nonprofit Employee Benefit Research Institute signals — in time for open enrollment season on the exchange — the prediction didn’t come to pass. Between 2014 and 2022, institute researchers found that more people had access to benefits, as the share of eligible workers rose 5 percentage points.


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U.S. advocates for homeless seek creative solutions as cities crack down on car-camping


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