US debates whether UK approach is better on COVID-19 vaccinations

A new approach to COVID-19 vaccination just adopted in the United Kingdom is gaining traction in America, but is dividing public health experts.

In an effort to push out as many doses of the vaccine as possible, British officials will no longer hold back the second of two doses.

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Food banks fear possible end of USDA Farmers to Families Food Box program

It'll be months before vaccines are widespread enough to turn the tide of the pandemic in the US, experts say

OPINION: Stopping the syndemic: Covid-19 plus other debilitating and deadly diseases

As Covid surges in Mississippi Delta, food banks and hospitals are stretched thin

Immigrants get help from states, cheer inclusion in US bill

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Local funding crisis threatens U.S. vaccine rollout

Here’s Why Distribution of the Vaccine Is Taking Longer Than Expected


In Florida, less than one-quarter of delivered coronavirus vaccines have been used, even as older people sat in lawn chairs all night waiting for their shots. In Puerto Rico, last week’s vaccine shipments did not arrive until the workers who would have administered them had left for the Christmas holiday. In California, doctors are worried about whether there will be enough hospital staff members to both administer vaccines and tend to the swelling number of Covid-19 patients.

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California has nation’s 2nd confirmed case of virus variant

California on Wednesday announced the nation’s second confirmed case of the new and apparently more contagious variant of the coronavirus, offering a strong indication that the infection is spreading more widely in the United States.

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Q&A EXPLAINER: Scientists trying to understand new virus variant

Dialysis clinics provide new path for delivery of stockpiled COVID-19 antibody drugs in U.S.

Explanations for ‘long Covid’ remain elusive. Research in early stages

Nearly a year into the coronavirus pandemic, the perplexing problems of Covid-19 long-haulers seem no nearer resolution — or even explanation — than when they first puzzled doctors and patients in the spring.

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US hits record for daily Covid-19 deaths., Children's cases reach 2 million

UK rolls out Astra/Oxford COVID vaccine after world-first approval

Biden vows more vigorous federal effort to counter the pandemic


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