WHO warns that herd immunity won't happen in 2021, even with vaccines

IN DEPTH ANALYSIS: Vaccines were a chance to redeem failures in the U.S. coronavirus response. What went wrong?

US asking states to speed vaccine, not hold back 2nd dose

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is asking states to speed delivery of COVID-19 vaccines to people 65 and older and to others at high risk by no longer holding back the second dose of the two-dose shots, officials said Tuesday.

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New task force director Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith Takes Aim at Racial Gaps in Health Care

Growing up in the United States Virgin Islands, Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith saw firsthand what can happen in a community with limited access to health care. Her father, Moleto “Bishop” Smith Sr., was only in his 40s when he suffered a debilitating stroke that left him partly paralyzed and with slurred speech.

The cause was high blood pressure, which could have been treated but had never been diagnosed. Without prompt access to advanced treatments, “the stroke was allowed to run its course,” Dr. Nunez-Smith, 45, recalled in a recent interview. Her father never fully recovered.

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Overview on worldwide spread of the coronavirus --Reuters

Covid-19 vaccination plan 'not working,' former FDA official warns

BioNTech lifts 2021 COVID-19 vaccine output target to 2 billion doses

After Unused Vaccines Are Thrown in Trash, Cuomo Loosens Rules

Across New York State, medical providers in recent weeks had the same story: They had been forced to throw out precious vaccine doses because of difficulties finding patients who matched precisely with the state’s strict vaccination guidelines — and the steep penalties they would face had they made a mistake.

On Saturday, state health officials responded to the outcry over discarded vaccines by again abruptly loosening guidelines as coronavirus cases continued to rise.

Now, medical providers can administer the vaccine to any of their employees who interact with the public if there are extra doses in a vial and no one from “the priority population can come in before the doses expire,” the new guidelines read. A pharmacy’s “store clerks, cashiers, stock workers and delivery staff” could qualify, the guidelines said. California last week took a similar step.

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Coronavirus: Numbers Rising In Nearly Every State; Capitol Siege Put Members At Risk


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CDC Report: Candida auris Outbreak in a COVID-19 Specialty Care Unit — Florida, July–August 2020



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A Florida official's insight into the vaccine distribution chaos

A Florida county manager's description of the challenges in distributing the vaccine

" We’re trying to get this vaccine into people’s arms as fast as we can, but everyone seems to have a better solution than the ones we’re using. I’m not very popular right now. I’ve been called incompetent more times in the last month than I have in my whole career.

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COVID-19 Deveopments Overview: International, U.S.

CDC’s Redfield warns storming of Capitol was a ‘surge event’ in coronavirus pandemic

As Coronavirus Mutates, the World Stumbles Again to Respond

DURBAN, South Africa — Doctors and nurses at a South African hospital group noticed an odd spike in the number of Covid-19 patients in their wards in late October. The government had slackened its lockdown grip, and springtime had brought more parties. But the numbers were growing too quickly to easily explain, prompting a distressing question.

“Is this a different strain?” one hospital official asked in a group email in early November, raising the possibility that the virus had developed a dangerous mutation.

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How Florida is failing its most vulnerable seniors with Covid vaccine rollout


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