Monkeypox: dangerous strain gains ability to spread through sex-- new data suggest


Evidence from past outbreaks indicates that this strain, called clade I, is more lethal than the separate strain that sparked the 2022 outbreak. Clade I has for decades caused small outbreaks, often limited to a few households or communities, in Central Africa. Sexually acquired clade I infections had not been reported before last year.


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Vaccinations of teenagers cut COVID-19 cases by 37% in California--study

JAMA Network Open has published a new study showing that, from April 1, 2020, to February 27, 2023, in California, an estimated 146,210 COVID-19 cases were averted by vaccination in teens aged 12 to 15 years, representing a 37% reduction.


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New study uses AI to predict malaria outbreaks in South Asia

New study uses AI to predict malaria outbreaks in South Asia (

Researchers from NDORMS in collaboration with international institutions have demonstrated the potential of using environmental measurements and deep learning modeling to predict malaria outbreaks in South Asia. The study offers promising insights into improving early warning systems for one of the world's deadliest diseases.


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Long Covid: Two million Britons suffer long COVID symptoms -- survey

U.S CDC launches online tool to help alert Americans to oncoming extreme heat days

CDC launches online tool to help Americans manage extreme heat (

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched a new online heat forecaster to help communities better prepare for summer's scorching temperatures.

The HeatRisk Forecast Tool is a joint effort between the CDC and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service to give Americans a week-long heads-up that broiling temperatures are headed their way. It is all close at hand at the HeatRisk Dashboard online—just enter a zip code for the latest forecast and updates.




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U.S.EPA tough new rules would require coal-fired power plants to capture 90 % of emissions or shut down

Nearly 40% of people in the US live with unhealthy air pollution --study

...Extreme heat, drought and wildfires are among the factors that have contributed to a rise in deadly air pollution, especially in the Western part of the country, said Katherine Pruitt, author of the report and senior director of the American Lung Association’s Nationwide Clean Air Policy. 



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WHO study estimates Global immunization efforts have saved at least 154 million lives over the past 50 years

U.S. NASA chief asks nations to work together on climate change

Can we make enough H5N1 vaccine if there’s a bird flu pandemic?

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FDA finds traces of H5N1 bird flu viruses in grocery store milk but says pasteurized dairy products are still safe

Q&A analysis: Climate change and health care—how individuals and institutions can help

Q&A: Climate change and health care—how individuals and institutions can help


Unseasonably mild winters. Forest fires and smoke. More reports of catastrophic storms. We've experienced increasingly extreme weather changes in the past few years, and the intersection between environmental issues and health is a pressing concern.

Myles Sergeant is an assistant clinical professor in McMaster's Department of Family Medicine who is deeply involved in efforts locally, provincially and nationally to reverse the effects of climate change. ...

We spoke with Sergeant about the dangers of climate change, the power individuals and the health care sector have to make more sustainable choices, and why he hasn't lost hope to save our "frail planet."


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Biden Administration Sets Higher Staffing Mandates, But Most Nursing Homes Don’t Meet Them

How the search for the origins of COVID-19 turned politically poisonous--AP investigation

increased monitoring and preparation needed for highly pathogenic bird flu --WHO chief scientist


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