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Goods for the greater good

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Let your goods support the "greater good"


Good360 is the ultimate win-win proposition for our donor companies. Not only can you feel good about helping charities across the country with fantastic donated product, you can even boost your bottom line a little, build team spirit, and improve sales as a socially responsible company all by donating merchandise you might otherwise be paying to store or destroy.

Be in “Good” company and join top brands and dozens of Fortune 500 companies in becoming part of the Good360 donor network. Below are some of our current donors: 

donor logos


So how does it work?

There are three ways Good360 can get donated products to your organization:

1. Browse our catalog and place an order: It's just like online shopping, but the product is FREE--you only pay a service fee to help cover shipping and handling. Browse our current warehouse inventory of available product donations at any time, place an order, and we do the rest. Within TWO DAYS your product is shipped to your door. Some of our donors may even cover the service fee for you, and our social networking tools (coming soon) will let you activate your own donor network to raise the money online. View our online catalog.

2. Pick up donations from a local retail store for a whole year: Work with us to partner with a retail store or business right in your neighborhood. During the year, your nonprofit can pick up donations directly from the store, cutting out the shipping costs. Choose to partner with one store for a period of time-up to one year. (An annual fee applies for each retail partnership.)  Read more about partnering with a retail store/business.

3. Receive one-time local donations: A great way to “test drive” a partnership agreement! Companies approach us all the time with one-time donation opportunities that are available for direct pick-up in specific locations. You can find these with our real-time mapping feature on or we reguarly notify member nonprofits in the surrounding area about these first-come, first-served opportunities.

Our Good360 101 Webinar provides additional details about the program and how to get the most out of it. Sign up for a FREE webinar today.


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