Global surge in coronavirus cases is being fed by the developing world — and the U.S.

Virus resurgence forces countries to reimpose restrictions

Moderna coronavirus vaccine shows 'promising' safety and immune response results in published Phase 1 study, but more research is needed

Trump administration recommends National Guard as option to help hospitals report coronavirus data Florida National Guard personnel direct vehicles at a coronavirus testing site at the Miami Beach Convention Center.

Czech Republic has lifesaving COVID-19 lesson for America: Wear a face mask

Despite pressure from Trump, major districts say schools will stay closed in fall

FDA fast-tracks vaccines as California leads charge toward second lockdown

Coronavirus crisis may get "worse and worse and worse," WHO chief warns

CBS NEWS  July 14, 2020

The World Health Organization warned Monday that there could be no return to normality any time soon as too many countries were bungling their response to the coronavirus pandemic. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that if public health guidelines are not followed, the crisis will get "worse and worse and worse."

Problem, Solution, SitRep, or ?: 

Leaving The Pandemic Response To States Doomed The Country To Fail Together

We Can Protect the Economy From Pandemics. Why Didn't We?

Coronavirus updates: Trump RTs tweet saying CDC 'lies' about COVID; NYC reports zero deaths for first time since March

Long delays in getting test results hobble coronavirus response

No one is safe until everyone is safe': Vaccine nationalism threatens global coronavirus effort

Pittsburgh Seemed Like a Virus Success Story. Now Cases Are Surging.

PITTSBURGH — A little more than three weeks ago, officials in Pittsburgh announced a milestone enviable for almost any major city in America: A day had gone by without a single new confirmed case of the coronavirus. It was good news for a city that had seen only a modest outbreak all along, even as the virus raged through places like Philadelphia and New York.

That was then.

Problem, Solution, SitRep, or ?: 

As US grapples with virus, Florida hits record case increase


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